{photo via pinterest}
It has now been 2 months since I have exercised on a regular basis. Doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Back in January I found out a few ladies in my neighborhood would work out every morning (Mon-Fri) for 1-1 1/2 hours at our near by church. And the kids would play in the nursery room.
For quite some time before this I was feeling pretty stuck. I was not content with my mommy body, my teenage acne came back after having a baby, and I just seemed to be missing a portion of good self esteem that was starting to wear on me. It seemed as if all the women around me who had just had a baby looked far better then I did, and everyone else around me that hadn't had a baby didn't quite understand what it feels like to have your body completely change on you with out your consent. Yes, the baby is worth it ( I would do anything for my little man), but it still doesn't change the fact that even after I lost all the "baby" weight my pants never fit the same. And over time, with the wrong attitude, my self esteem dropped. Fast.
After a while I realized that sitting around and moping about it was doing me no good. I gained the courage to ask the ladies if I could join their group. I had no idea what an impact it would make on me. Especially after I have gone with out it for 2 months.
3 healthy habits I have learned:
1. Exercise. People, its only function is not just losing weight. After about 4 weeks of consistently working out, I not only looked better, but I felt GREAT. I didn't lose a single pound. (gasp) I was in shape, a toner more lean body, and little things like carrying my little man up and down stairs no longer made me pant for breath.
2. Social. I didn't realize talking to a 2 year old all day can limit your self esteem. I am moving in a month, completely across the country. I thought I successfully didn't make any close enough friends to have it be a hard goodbye when we leave our neighborhood. In a matter of a few months seeing these ladies everyday I can say I have made life long friends and would trust them with anything. They are truly amazing and lift my spirits everyday. It is important to have friends that are positive in life. It's like seeing someone smile, you can't help but smile back.
3. Attitude. "if your feeling blue, try painting yourself a different color." I still couldn't fit my jeans. But with the uplifting friends and exercise I happened to gain a bit of courage. So instead of moping about it, I went and bought jeans that did fit, and from that day on I have far less days spent looking in the mirror wishing and hoping for a better. Change is good. Especially motherhood. Since my change in attitude towards my body and trying to love the new me instead of always wishing for something different, I truly feel my appreciation for motherhood has grown immensely. I am completely in awe each day with the love I get to feel as a mother, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Even if it means getting bigger and bigger hips as the years go on. At least, I know what matters most. And that perspective was all I needed for a happy heart.
LOVE it Kim :) You are amazing!